Sunday, August 09, 2009

Quick! To the top of Mt. Wanna-Hakka-Loogi!

Yesterday morning, at the painful time of 6am, I clocked in to work to life guard for a movie shoot. They were shooting in the dive pool and hoped to make it look like the ocean by using the "bubbler" which is actually used to break surface tension for when divers are first learning. Fortunately, I worked with a guard I've known for awhile so I was able to quote Finding Nemo and yell "BUBBLES!!! BUBBLESBUBBLESBUBBLES. MY BUBBLES" every time they went off. He was a good sport. If you don't know what I'm talking about you need some Pixar education and to click below.


We thought the actress might drown a few times. We cleaned seaweed out of the pool. We decided they should insert JPEGs of Nemo into the film to make it look more like the ocean. It was a long day.

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