Sunday, November 29, 2009


Ok, so I have been "tagged" by Ali to write 10 things about myself...because I am a Sugar Doll? Unclear. But here are 10 tidbits about me!

1. I named my food baby a few weeks ago after a potent lunchtime margarita and shrimp tacos. Shrimp in Spanish is camaron and since I was full of delicious shrimp tacos I found it fitting to name my distended belly Cameron. Cameron has been around since Wednesday night thanks to Sally being home, Thanksgiving and Sol y Luna.

2. Saturday night, after some serious imbibement, some friends of mine were in line at In & Out. They asked me if I wanted something. I replied, via text, "yeah. ketchup, sauce and pickle only." They showed up and gave me a bag of pickles and ketchup. For future reference, I like my In & Out burgers with ketchup sauce and pickle only. Hamburger included. But don't worry, I ate the pickles.

3. I hate taking out the trash.

4. Vacation for me involves as little activity as possible. Put me in the sun, in a comfy chair with a drink, music and a ton of books and I'm set.

5. I'm initiated into the Columbia University marching band. I was visiting my BFF there freshman year the weekend they traveled to Penn and had initiation so....I went through it too.

6. My 24 birthday is on Wednesday. Today, at CPK, the waiter didn't even bother to offer me the free wine sample because he assumed I'm underage. I know people say "oh you'll love that when you're older.." but here's the 411: I'm NOT older. And I DON'T like it.

7. I've become addicted to Whole Foods sandwiches and Trader Joes salads.

8. I believe the most important parts of a complete apartment are a comfortable bed and a comfortable couch. Everything else is elementary.

9. My drink of choice used to be Long Island Iced Teas. Since college...those have not treated me well. I adjusted to bacardi and diet coke. However, I think I have finally settled to vodka tonics. Really, I wish they served cheap cheap champagne at bars because that's always my preference.

10. I wrote a post about watching too much TV and how I cannot add more. And I meant it. Until I was told to watch Modern Family and I got curious. I accidentally watched the 3rd episode first and thank God I did because after I saw the following sequence I knew I HAD to keep watching

Let me set this up: Mitchell and Cameron are gay and just adopted a little girl. They are going to Costco for diapers and Mitchell (the red head) has never been and doesn't see the appeal because, as Cameron says, he is 'snobby.' Then this happens.

My new favorite line in life is "I'm sort of like Costco...I'm big, I'm not fancy and I dare you not to like me." Modern Family is the most recent show added to my DVR with some Intervention mixed in as well. Also, the way they met is F-ing adorable.

So there are my 10 tidbits...I hope I didn't disappoint. Cameron is still alive and well, in case you were concerned.

1 comment:

Ali said...

1 - ha!
2 - haha!
3 - me too
4 - me too
5 - naturally
6 - what an ass
7 - amen
8 - fair enough
9 - let's make that happen...soon
10 - cute

PS: You did not disappoint.