1. Where did you go on your first airplane ride?
When I was 1.5 and we moved from Oregon to SoCal...I don't quite remember it.
2. What is your earliest memory?
Hmmm...I think some pre-school stuff circa age 3-4. Going to the park and riding my bike with my dad.
3. What was your second grade teacher's name?
Barbara...private school, we called our teachers by their first names. I didn't like her...because all I remember about her is that she didn't believe me when I said my ear hurt and it ended up being a really bad infection SO HAH.
4. What was the last thing you watched on tv?
Little People, Big World. It often times brings me to tears. It's fiiiiiine.
5. My uncle once:
Ordered everything on the dessert menu from Cheesecake Factory. Needless to say, he's a badass.
6. How long was your longest relationship?
A year and some change....on and off for what would have been 2 years
7. What do you want to be?
Right now, I'm just hoping to be a functional adult with a job
8. What was the last thing you received in the mail?
The New Yorker
9. If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
I think we could all be a bit more kind to one another
10. Would you prefer 10 inches of snow or 100 degree weather?
100 degree weather. I'm a child of southern california so as long as there is no humidity involved I can deal.
11. What is your homepage set to?
12. Last 5 websites you visited:
Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, Yelp, Gmail
13. Were you a planned baby?
So they say
14. What do you believe is the meaning of life?
You make your own meaning
15. What bill do you hate paying the most?
Electricity...why isn't that cheaper this day and age? We can send people to the moon and give someone a new face but we haven't found a cheaper way for me to sit on my butt in the light with AC and tv on without paying a shit ton for it? Who can I talk to about that?
16. How many schools did you attend through grade twelve?
17. The Cosby Show or The Simpsons?
...family matters
18. Three signs summer is here:
being sweaty all the time, it being light til 8pm, being able to read for fun
Hmm. Not sure? I guess a week ago?
20. Who was your first best friend?
Cathy, she moved to Israel after 1 grade though.
That was fun for me. Hopefully for you too.
1 comment:
Yes yes, I do love this.
And I miss you. We must change this. And Wednesday doesn't count! :)
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